From life study of human skulls.
From life study of people's faces.
Using electron microscopy images of skin and lungs to recreate tissue environments and study tissue structures.
Left page shows the exploration of different layouts for my pathology assignment (2 page spread in Scientific American describing a pathology). Top two compositions for bubonic and septicemic plague. Bottom layout for ectopic pregnancy. Left page is tissue cube study done from histology of tubal ectopic pregnancy. With left cube showing normal fallopian tube, middle cube is ectopic pregnancy after 4 weeks and right tissue cube is ectopic pregnancy after 8 weeks.
Study of hands from life.
Illustration published in article "Transorbital penetrating head injury with a favorable outcome: illustrative case."
Graphic figure published in article "Detection and Characterization of Vesicular Gangliosides Binding to Myelin-Associated Glycoprotein on Supported Lipid Bilayers"